How Much Israel Costs The American Tax-Payers Alone

Here is another excerpt from an article- this is in addition to the billions upon billions of free dollars the Jewish community has coerced Germany into paying on account of that phoney "holocaust":

According to a recent article in the New York Times, American taxpayers have given over $77 billion to the Jewish nation of Israel since 1967. This huge giveaway program of the American government actually amounts to about $16,500 for every Jew (man, woman, and child) in the nation. Much of this money comes as a result of the activities of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is the largest of the 80 odd Jewish lobbies in Washington.

These lobbies are interested in getting congressmen and senators elected that will continue Israel's favored nation status with the U.S. Government. For example, gifts to potential candidates for the 1989-1990 election amounted to $8 million according to Federal Election Commission reports. As a result of these bribes, Israel has been successful in obtaining approximately $10 billion dollars in aid last year alone. The U.S. government has virtually no say in how this money is spent. Any attempt to monitor the cash gifts is taken as an insult by the Israeli government which claims that as a sovereign nation, we should keep our hands off its internal affairs. Our hands have only one purpose--giving them more money.

This one tiny nation of only four million people alone receives approximately one third of our foreign aid, and while foreign aid is actually decreasing to some central America and African nations, aid to Israel is on the steady rise. The chart above shows the amount of military and economic aid that has been given to Israel since Israel was carved out of Arab land in 1948. The sections shown in black are loans and the sections shown in white are gifts. The chart does not list other types of foreign aid such as aid for transportation, education, health services, etc.